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To see just some of the latest features, click on any item below
Become a Member
We are a Worldwide Club and we welcome new and returning Members. A subscription lasts 12 months and you will then be invited to rejoin. We accept all major Credit and Debit cards. CLICK HERE to go to the Online Application Form.
Spares Sales
One of our most important Services is help to keep your car on the road. To do this we stock commonly needed parts that you might need for your restoration or repair. We remanufacture more difficult to obtain parts CLICK HERE to find out what we have to offer:
It's all about our Cars!
We cater for a huge variety of Standards, from Veteran and Vintage, through Pre WW2 cars, Postwar Cars, Vanguards and the Small Cars of the 1950’s.There are Coachbuilt cars, Vans, Estate Cars, even aircraft, built over a 60 year period. Read about them all here
To create a Social atmosphere you are all invited to participate in local and National events organised by the club so that Members can exercise their cars. In addition the Club participates in the major Indoor Classic Car Shows at the NEC.
Our Annual Summer Rally takes place every June and consists of roaduns and a Static Rally in a different location every year. Here are photos of some of our events
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