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Tell our Club Historian about your Standard
- you do not need to be a Club member to use this service, but it helps!

You can join the Club HERE
On this form, we would like to capture as much information as possible about your car, but if there is some information you do not know, just leave it blank. This form does not download, please put your cursor over each field, type to fill in each field, then do the Captcha security panel.
You can attach forms or photographs, but please keep each file below 4 megabytes.
This information is kept securely in the Club’s database until any later modification by you and thereafter, kept in perpetuity.
Once completed, do prove you are human and press the submit button.
The system will acknowledge your submission. If we have any query, we will reply via email.
Only press SUBMIT once and wait for the success message.
You will also receive a confirmation email to the address provided.
Thank you.
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