by Peter Lockley

July 2021 - British Motor Museum, Gaydon
A gathering of all cars built by British Leyland and its predecessor companies.
Standards were extremely well represented at the BMC and Leyland Show at Gaydon on Sunday 11th July with 12 cars on the Club stand. There were 2 Vanguard Estate Cars, a 1952 phase 1A and a 1955 phase 2,2 phase 2 saloons, a phase 1 Beetleback saloon and a 1963 Vanguard Luxury Six. From the 8 and 10 range were a 1955 8 Deluxe, a 1957 8 Gold Star, 1954 10, 1955 Super Ten, 1959 6 cwt. pick-up and a Pennant. Sadly there were no pre-1948 Standards. We had hoped for a 1923 Kenilworth, but unfortunately, it had developed a fuel leak which could not be successfully repaired in time. Nevertheless, we had a great representation of Standards from immediately before the company's takeover by Leyland Motors. Peter Lockley July 2021

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