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Drive It Day - Hatfield House Sunday 25th April 2021

by Phil & Lynda Homer

For our first outing of the year, we were invited to a local area meeting by the Jaguar Driver’s Club. It was a beautiful morning as the cars gathered right outside the North Front of Hatfield House, a stately home just 5 miles from where we live in St. Albans. We took the Flying 12 DHC which had done little else than be polished over the last 12 months of Lockdown and relished the outing as much as we did.

Lynda and I were joined by fellow member Stephen George who bought along his 1955 Standard 8 Deluxe from Arlesey in Bedford, after a slightly longer run down the A1(M).

Lynda and Steve with the cars.

Hatfield House is a country house set in a large park, the Great Park, on the eastern side of the town of Hatfield in Hertfordshire.

The present huge Jacobean house was built in 1611 by Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury and Chief Minister to King James I. It has been the home of the Cecil family ever since. It is a prime example of Jacobean architecture. The estate includes extensive grounds and surviving parts of an earlier palace. The house is currently the home of Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 7th Marquess of Salisbury.

​Unfortunately, the House does not open until June, Post Covid, but we were kindly presented with 2 Tour tickets to use when we wish. As the Catering on the grounds was open we were supplied with coffee and teas to keep us warm in the chilly sunshine.

The Standards outside the door of the North Front of the House

There was much interest from the visiting public in all the cars. In fact, Stephen opened his bonnet and this provided the most interest and appreciation on the day. In addition, our 1937 Standard was the oldest on display and older than any SS/Jaguar or any car present. We enjoyed the convivial atmosphere provided by all the Classic Car owners who took great interest in both the Standards. By the end of the day,á both Lynda and I got a touch of Spring sunburn! Phil and Lynda Homer.

The spectacular South front of Hatfield House

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