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Knebworth House Classic Car Show

This event resumed after the Covid lockdowns.

The two days of Bank Holiday, that's the Sunday and Monday were the show days.

The event was well attended, particularly by the public and younger Classic Cars from the 1980's and 1990's.

However, the Club turnout was poor despite car entry being just £4, whereas a "walk up"couple to view the cars were charged £25! Club car attendance therefore was very cheap, a bonus in these financially challenging times.

The Club stand could not have been better placed, being next to the ice-cream Van and opposite the bar.

The two Club cars, being apparently amongst the oldest present, got terrific public attention, and were presented to the public in the show arena on both days.

This poor attendance by members was despite over 30 email reminders to everyone in the local area, i.e. the three surrounding counties. How much harder can I try?

It would be instructive to understand what members want from a local group meeting in the Chilterns. If you have some ideas please email me on

After 30 years of trying though, we shall continue. It would be nice to see others in 2023.



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