Club Member, Bernard Bruno bought his Standard in the UK but it now lives in Malta.

Bernard writes:
So my story begins in May 2021 when I saw a Standard Flying nine for sale.
Going back to when we were young kids - I remember stories my parents told us about when they were a young couple courting in the late 50s, with the Standard that he bought from a Royal Air Force personnel.
Then, I was looking for a car to buy for a hobby, this Standard caught my eye, I remember it looked very similar to what my parents had and I went to see the car and took it for a test drive. Harival, the owner, told me you're the only one that knew how to drive the car, I knew I had to strike a deal. He told that it had one previous owner for 46 years. and came from a village only 10 miles away in West Chiltington, where it spent all its life in the village.
He had it approximately 36 years. He had done a complete rebuild of the car and needed space. I remember I didn't haggle much on the price as I knew I wanted to buy it.
So in September of 2021, I decided that I wanted to go back to Malta for good and with the pandemic how were we going to get back with the car? So I looked for a trailer - I found one locally, bought a newer car to plan a trip back to Malta.
So finally mid – November, I set off, freezing weather, drove up to Denmark to my brother. And went for a drive around the village - it was amazing to see how many people appreciated the car on display outside the coffee shop. Then I started the journey with the Standard on the trailer, driving all the way down through Germany. Switzerland, the whole length of Italy, down to Sicily in 5 days.
Everyone on the motorway were very curious staring at the car as I drove past. Then finally I arrived in Malta. Got it registered with a new number and decided it had to have 1939 for its number plate.
I needed to prepare the car for a big run on a Re-enactment trip, it was an organised trip, WW2 Operation Husky and I wore British World War 2 Uniform. We drove over 400 kilometres in 5 days in 48 degrees temperatures in July. I displayed the car at important places like inside Catania Museum. The only bit of trouble with the car was fuel evaporation. But when it cooled down we were up and running again. I dress up as 1940s as much as I can with the car, this is my story.
I will update you with more trips or events I attend.
(Ed: Do keep a look out on our webpages).

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Phil Homer
Standard Motor Club