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Standard Triumph Picnic 2021

Phil Homer reports on this event.

After a summer that once again proved to be ruined by the after-effects of Covid, it was a pleasure to get out to one event that was not cancelled.

The day did not start well.

At 8 am the rain was sheeting down and Accuweather was showing heavy rain all day. I am sure that some people turned over in their beds and wrote off the day without getting their car out. How wrong both they and the Weather forecasters were proven to be.

By 10 am the sun broke out and continued to shine all day. So in the end, of the 36 Standard cars that had expressed an interest in joining, no fewer than 28 turned up to park on the lawn at Walton Hall hotel, overlooking the lake, whilst sharing the habitat with the local swans and ducks. Our organiser, Peter Lockley, had fenced off an area at one end of the site and erected the Club gazebo. This was intended for the guests to shelter in but as stated, it proved to be totally unnecessary.

The rest of the quite expansive area was populated by all the other Triumph Clubs, who had an equally good turnout. The event was totally informal with no element of competition. The hog roast, ice creams and teas all sold out completely and the majority enjoyed sitting around with a picnic.

The captions highlight the good variety of Standards in attendance, mostly from the Midlands but some from wider afield. If you were not there, please consider coming next May, when the next event will be organised (May is the preferred date, non-Covid) Keep a lookout for the date of the next picnic, which will be advertised on these Webpages and elsewhere.


Read about the presentation of the Harry Webster Award at this event, here:

Plenty of pictures of the cars that attended follow.

From Manchester came John Jenkinson's 6cwt Van which is in daily use in his plumbing business

David Milehan owns this 1934 Standard 12

Chris Muckian's modified Standard 10

Brian Birch's Vanguard Phase II

1957 Standard Sportsman belonging to Bob Wilkin

1947 Standard 14 Drophead Coupé

1947 Standard 8 Woody

1947 Standard 8 Drophead Coupé

1936 Standard Avon Close-Coupled 16hp

1935 Standard Flying Heavy 12 owned by Ivan and Dot Hancox

1934 Standard 10/12 Saloon

1934 Standard 10 Saloon belonging to Roger Dealtry

1932 Standard Big 9

Vanguard Phase 1

Trevor Walker brought this immaculate Standard 8 all the way from Huddersfield

Standard Companion

Standard 8 at the Lakeside

1926 SLO4 Charlecote

Peter Lockley's Vanguard Estate

Phil Birch's beautiful Vanguard Six

Norman and Pam Smith's Standard 10

Line-up with 1934 Standard 10 Saloon in foreground

Line-up fronted by 1927 Model V4 and Standard Big 9

John Haytor's Standard Vanguard III

Ian Leggett's Phase II Vanguard


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