Phil Homer, reports:
Hi Steve and Lynda,
On behalf of myself, Heather and Michel I would like to thank all of you for putting on a really great International Rally. Please do pass my thanks on to the rest of the “team”.
The hotel was simply fantastic. The rooms were great, the food fantastic and the staff simply could not have been more pleasant. This has to rank as one of the best, probably the best, International Rallies I have been to.
Again, many thanks to you all – I look forward to meeting again next year.
Thanks and regards
Paul Robins
Mem. No. 1426

The text is illustrated throughout by cars that entered the Rally
For Lynda and I, the Rally started on Thursday afternoon. We took our modern car to Cranfield loaded with supplies for the Rally. Trophies, Rally prizes, Books for sale and other paraphernalia. Though we were not stopping in the accommodation ourselves, we left our Standard Super 10 on site, to be joined the following day by our 1937 Standard Flying 12 DHC. There were already many Standard Motor Club members who had turned up to stay at the Management Development Centre on Thursday night.

1913 Rhyl at Bletchley
Bright and early, we set off for Bletchley Park, an easy run up the old A5 from St. Albans through Dunstable to Bletchley Park, the road having been built for us nearly 2000 years ago by the Romans!
We were by no means the first to arrive at the specially designated Car Park set up for us in the centre of the complex, in the middle of the remaining Wartime huts. It has been a number of years since we last visited and the changes are apparent, mostly caused by the input of National Lottery funds, used to restore more huts and develop the educational displays. We decided there was so much to see that we could not do it justice in a single day. Fortunately, our tickets allow us the return any number of times over the next 12 months and that is what we intend to do. We did however sample one of their restaurants for a snack lunch and can report how mightily excellent it was.

Phil Birch's Vanguard Six at Bletchley
It was then time to set off on the short run to Red Bull Racing. As both the 1913 and the 1926 cars had no navigators on board we offered to lead a procession through Milton Keynes, with the Flying 12. That was not the easiest of tasks, particularly in Friday afternoon traffic and incorporating a number of double roundabouts and some junctions that defied description! Despite the fact that none of the cars have indicators, we all managed to keep the modern traffic at bay!

Super line-up of Vanguards at Bletchley Park
The only thing to see at Red Bull was their Entrance Foyer which contains a multi-storey display cabinet containing all their trophies. We all wondered who did all the cleaning and polishing, whilst gratefully helping ourselves to their complimentary drinks. (Red Bull, of course!) In the meantime, the Standards all caused a commotion in the car park as all the resident Red Bull petrol-heads gathered around and admired them, rather than working on their Formula 1 day jobs. Steve George, our organiser, got an open invite to bring the cars back at any time.
On then with our procession, this time to Cranfield where we all checked in to our accommodation for the weekend. The amusing Video is the Vanguard of Dave Scanlon who successfully arrived from the North-East, only to break down 100 yards from the Conference Centre. The car was pushed the rest of the way by the very obliging staff at the Centre.
All the way from the northeast, only to give up at the entrance!
Later we gathered for drinks and a most splendid buffet meal before retiring happy but exhausted.

Lynda in the 1937 Flying 12 DHC
The Breakfast buffet featured everything we might expect, but in particular, the field mushrooms which were told were locally grown, by the excellent serving staff.
Then the cars lined up to depart for Cranfield. A mostly rural route, ably put together by Steve George and Craig Johnson, both Bedfordshire locals. We passed through lots of small villages and along little used lanes. It was a little surprising that we passed the old main gate at Shuttleworth but then had at least a four-mile detour to get to the new entrance. Safely having completed that, the cars were lined up on the “crowd line” overlooking the runway.

Sportsman to the fore at Shuttleworth

Postwar 12 DHC at Shuttleworth

Alan Tibot's Standard Salmonds Sunshine Coupe

Another part of the lineup at Shuttleworth

Avon Waymaker II to the fore at Shuttleworth
There we could watch all the private aircraft taking off and landing. There was time to inspect all their hangers and the splendid collection of Vintage aircraft and cars. The Dragon Rapide from the collection was hauled out and we were treated to a long and very skilful flying display.
A minor problem occurred with the 1913 Rhyl which broke a wheel stud on the journey. Fortunately, the owner was carrying a spare (having broken one before) and with the aid of several members on the field, the car was soon fixed and able to complete the journey.

Fixing the Rhyl's front hub
Steve George got his second invite to bring the Cars back at any time by Shuttleworth’s management who also declared that this was the best Classic Car display they had hosted.

Another part of the Shuttleworth lineup
The return run to Cranfield was accomplished over faster A roads, so took a much shorter time. All the sooner to get into the bar and the Gala Dinner. Then the highlight of the show was the “interview” of Nick Black, John Black’s son, conducted by Lynda Homer.
A fascinating tale of John black’s life, loves, successes and failures. Fortunately for the Members, there were many more successes than failures and we are all grateful for the cars that were built during his tenure as Managing Director of the SMC.
Sunday is always the Static Rally day, this time held in the Centre’s Car Park.
All the resident’s cars were joined by Day visitors and other late entrants with their Standards.
A fine collection of Standards soon built up.

Geoff Winnicott's Standard Super 10

The Standard 10 lineup at Cranfield

The Standard 8 lineup at Cranfield

Vanguards galore at Cranfield
Whilst there were far too many cars to mention them all, it was particularly welcome to see the Vanguard “Works” Ambulance and the Atlas Caravanette.
The Regalia Table, ably manned by Phil and Ann Birch, did a roaring trade all day. The facility to bring spares and to trade them with other members was particularly welcomed.
Unfortunately, the book sales were a bit of a flop, most people had little interest in purchasing instruction books and Workshop Manuals, so maybe everyone already owns as many books as they need?
Everyone enjoyed the celebration cake, baked for the Event by Margaret Park.

Margaret Park cuts the Standard Ceremonial Fruit Cake!
The raffle took a huge time to call out the winners, as there were so many of them. Then onto the awards ceremony. That too took a long time too, with no fewer than 17 classes to announce and several placings within each. As almost all of the classes were judged by the participants themselves, everyone had a chance to get involved.
The overall Car of the Show was awarded to Kim Henson’s Flying 14 as it was the most improved since its last appearance.

Car of the Show, Kim Henson's Standard Flying 14 Touring Saloon
Then everyone, except those staying another night, were able to set off home with plenty of daylight remaining.
There is another Rally report on Kim Henson’s own Website. See that report here:
It remains for me to thank everyone that attended and to Stephen George for organising such a splendid event.
If you missed out this year, please put next year’s dates in your diary, 23rd - 25th June 2023. Entrance costs from just £10.