Who's Who - meet the Club committee

Standard Motor Club - Committee
This section introduces the committee of the Standard Motor Club, following a number of recent changes.
They are all unpaid volunteers and are elected at the Annual General Meeting. We are always looking for new volunteers to help us keep the marque on the road. If you can assist, please contact Lynda on 01727 868405 for a no-obligation chat.
Some Committee Members are unpaid Directors of the Standard Motor Company Ltd. and these are indicated.
Vice President - Brian Parkes
Honorary position awarded by the Committee to the most senior Member of our Club.
Chairman & Compliance Officer - Peter Lockley (Director)
Peter's first Standard was an 1950's 8 and he has also a very rare Vanguard Estate. More recently he has restored a TR - based Swallow Doretti. Peter lives in Long Itchington in Warwickshire and is a retired Solicitor. His other consuming interest is Steam Railways, of which he has an encyclopedic knowledge.
Vice Chairman, Historian, Pre1948 Spares Officer, Webshop Manager - Phil Homer (Director)
Phil, together with wife Lynda have been members for over 40 years and live in St. Albans in Hertfordshire. Phil is a retired Project Director in the Telecoms Industry. They run a small fleet of Standards, dating from a 1919 Model SLS, to a 1956 Standard Super 10, though not all of them are on the road at any one time! Phil is also the Club’s Historian and is a Freelance Journalist on Classic Car subjects.
Membership Secretary and Registrar - Conan Lewis
Conan has recently become a Manager in the Motorhomes Industry. He owns a 1924 Model V3 Kenilworth and a 1950's Standard 10. Conan maintains the database of Standard Cars and answers members questions about ownership matters
Club Secretary, Acting Treasurer, Acting Editor - Lynda Homer (Director)
Lynda is a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire , where she is involved in the mentoring of newly appointed Secondary School Teachers. Lynda is determined that Classic Cars should not be a men-only pastime, she enjoys driving Standard Cars to rallies and events - and encourages other ladies to do the same.
Local Groups Organiser – Roger Dealtry (Director)
Roger hails from Haytersbury in Wiltshire. He runs a pair of Post Vintage Standards, a 2-door 9 and a 4 door Standard 10 and most recently a 1931 Standaqrd Big 9. As well as being co-ordinator of our Local Groups, Roger is Archivist for the Post-Vintage range of Standard Cars.
Acting Treasurer -
Lynda Homer, Secretary, fulfils this role on a temporary basis. * The Club needs a Volunteer to supervise our Computerised Accounts.
Commercial Advertising - Vacancy
The Club needs a Volunteer to fulfil this role
Publicity Officer, Minutes Secretary – David Shadbolt
David joined the committee in 2023 and was ratified at the 2024 AGM. He owns a Standard Vanguard Phase 1, dating from 1951 and uses it regularly. His main role as Publicity Officer is to promote the Club and the marque as a whole to the classic car press and associated media channels.
Chief Engineering Officer - Brian Parkes
Brian is another long-serving member of the club. He runs a 1950’s Standard 10 but previously drove a Post-war Standard 14. He is a virtual ever-present at Standard Rallies and Road runs. He has a life-time of experience in the Motor Repair Trade, which he uses to advise our growing Spares re-manufacturing operation. Brian is an Honorary life member of the Club.
Commercial Manager – Graham Hart
Grahams first involvement in Standard’s was sitting on the centre arm rest of his dad’s Vanguard in the late 60’s early 70’s. His first Standard was a 1939 Flying Standard 10. Since that car he’s had two Flying 12’s and a 12 DHC, and latterly the only known surviving Flying 20 V8. Now retired from 35 years in the motor industry, with 25 years working for Volkswagen Group UK
We also have a number of volunteer Officers who do not have Committee Posts, but provide essential services and are actively involved in running your Club. On a daily basis:
8 and 10 Spares Officer – Stephen George
Stephen hails from Arlesey in Bedfordshire where he owns a small fleet of Classics. Amongst them are a 1933 Standard 9 and a 1950’s Standard 8. Steve has rapidly expanded the range of spares that are available for the cars
Vanguard Spares Officer - Peter Foster
Peter manages the Club's Vanguard Spares Warehouse, which is the largest depository of Vanguard Spares in the World. If he is not able to satisfy a Spares requirement, he also has a vast repertoire of sources that he is able to recommend to members.
Peter runs a Vanguard Vignale Saloon and an Ensign Estate and lives near in Spalding, Lincolnshire.
DVLA Representative – David Groom
David hails from Old Dalby in Leicestershire where his Standard Fleet includes a Model S, Model SLO and a 1947 Standard 8 Woody Estate, amongst others. David is recognised by the DVLA as the Club’s Single Point of Contact and he plays an important role in brokering Registration issues that members have with their Standards.
All of the people on this page give generously of their time to make the Club successful. If you have skills and time to offer to help we are always searching for new volunteers. Please enquire of any committee member in the first instance or complete the form here:
The contact details for all the above Officers are shown in the Members Area (Available to Members only)
(Revised as current February 2025)